
Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow

Photographs: Gunter Rambow

Publisher: März Verlag

Year: 1970

Comments: Hardcover, 325 x 240 mm. Black & white photographs. First edition, 1970. Included in Martin Parr & Gerry Badger, The Photobook, vol. I. Copy in great good condition.Rare in this condition.


Berndt Höppner's cover does not get close to what awaits one on the inside. Wide spread legs in different locations, before Rambow gets closer and closer and even more close. In second hand bookshops the book is sometimes referred to as the "Mösenbuch" (choose your favourite four-letter word for vagina here) and it definitely is. The last pics are shot from a distance as close as a few centimeters. Fascinating, disturbing and still you have to look...

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

Gunter Rambow,Doris

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Gunter Rambow,Doris